Archive for the Latest News Category

Thank you, Kate.

Thank you, Kate.

Why I love Kate If a picture is worth a thousand words, this picture is surely priceless. First, let me say that I paid no attention to anything surrounding Kate’s pregnancy or delivery. I rarely watch TV, and I ignored everything about this event in social media. Then this photo was released. And, now I must confess, that I love Kate. Why do I love her? Because she had the guts to greet the press for the first time post baby looking absolutely radiant, while making no effort to “hide” the fact that she had just given birth. She appeared in a beautiful dress with an empire waist; which if anything, highlighted the fact that she (gasp!) still has a belly. Although you wouldn’t know it from looking at any of the media surrounding most Hollywood stars departing the hospital, the fact is that MOST women still look pregnant after giving birth. Like 5 months pregnant. And it USUALLY takes 6-8 weeks for the uterus to return to its normal size. What Kate has done in 5 minutes is give permission to women to be proud of their beautiful bodies after giving birth. She made the effort to look beautiful (yes, we can argue that she most likely had a hairstylist, makeup artist, etc. work with her prior to the photo-op); but, the point remains that she did not attempt to cover up her abdomen with the baby, a blanket, a black dress, or Spanx. She owned the way she looked. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could see more and more women “owning” their look? Imagine a culture where we didn’t even have to have this discussion! A culture that recognizes that our bodies take time to expand to carry a baby, and time to become the post baby […]

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5 Myths About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

5 Myths About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Quick post: My first article is up on the Hella Life blog. I am really excited to share 5 Myths About Pelvic Floor Dysfunction with the Crossfit community, and I hope that all of my readers will share the post with everyone they know. We need to get the word out there that physical therapy can help with Stress Urinary Incontinence. direct lenders for cash advances Please share via social media and feel free to copy to give to your patients, friends, coaches and trainers that you know. Thanks, Ann

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Whole 9 Life and Dr. Emily Deans are coming to Arlington!

Whole 9 Life and Dr. Emily Deans are coming to Arlington!

You’ve heard me talk about Whole 30 and maybe you’ve read the New York Times Best Seller It Starts with Food by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. Now you get to hear the straight talk from Whole 9 Life and Dr. Emily Deans! Prana Physical Therapy is proud to co-sponsor a Whole 9 Life seminar on June 22, 2013 at Crossfit South Arlington! Come hear all about how the 9 factors affect your health! Register early, as this workshop is sure to fill up quickly! Register here now. WWW.EXPLORINGIRELAND.NET/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/UPDATE/ Please call me at 571-527-9192 with any questions.

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TAKE ACTION! Medicare Opt Out Legislation

TAKE ACTION! Just a quick note as a follow up to this post: Thanks to Jason Bellamy, Director, Web & New Media, APTA for letting me know about a new action item regarding the ability of physical therapists to opt out of Medicare. On March 21, 2013, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) introduced the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2013 (HR 1310), which would provide physical therapists with the ability to privately contract with Medicare beneficiaries. Everyone can take action on this issue – APTA members, non members, patients and other healthcare professionals! How to Take Action APTA has posted information on Medicare private contracting (“opt out”) in its federal issues area, which includes links for members and nonmembers to be able to take action: The template action letter can be personalized – it’s a quick and effective way to let your voice be heard. Unfortunately, the Opt Out legislation isn’t one of APTA’s “priority” legislative issues for 2013, which makes it even more necessary to keep the grass roots energy going! Please take a minute to speak out for our profession.      

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Please support California Physical Therapists in fighting this bill

Please support California Physical Therapists in fighting this bill

I just received an alert that SB 381 was introduced in the California Senate by Senator Leland Yee. The bill is below. Please let Senator Yee know you oppose this bill. BILL NUMBER: SB 381 INTRODUCED BILL TEXT INTRODUCED BY Senator Yee FEBRUARY 20, 2013 An act to add Section 734 to the Business and Professions Code, relating to chiropractic practice. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL’S DIGEST SB 381, as introduced, Yee. Healing arts: chiropractic practice. Existing law, the Chiropractic Act, enacted by an initiative measure, provides for the licensure and regulation of chiropractors by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Under the act, a license authorizes its holder to practice chiropractic as taught in chiropractic schools or colleges but does not authorize its holder to dollar loan practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, dentistry, or optometry. Existing law provides for the licensure and regulation of physicians and surgeons and osteopathic physicians and surgeons by the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California, respectively. This bill would prohibit a health care practitioner from performing a joint manipulation or joint adjustment, as defined, unless he or she is a licensed chiropractor, physician and surgeon, or osteopathic physician and surgeon. The bill would provide that a health care practitioner who performs a joint manipulation or joint adjustment in violation of these provisions engages in the unlawful practice of chiropractic, which shall constitute, among other things, good cause for the revocation or suspension of the health care practitioner’s license, as specified. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 734 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read: 734. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a health care practitioner subject to regulation pursuant to this division […]

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