I’m just posting a quick link here to an article I wrote for Northern Virginia Magazine. They suggested the topic as something their readers would be interested in. The article came out this week, and I have received a lot of good feedback about it. I wanted to make it available, so that if you want to link to it, or print it and share with your contacts, you can do so. Please just provide credit to me and link to my website. Seattle town car. This is an example of what we can do locally to increase awareness of what physical therapy is, and how we can help people. It’s important for us to interact with local media to educate readers, and at the same time, it provides “free” marketing in a publication that reaches my target audience. Payday Loan Direct Lender For Bad Credit lowest rate payday loan Please feel free to share similar outreach efforts you have made in the comments section! Let’s all share our ideas! How Do I Know if I Should See a Physical Therapist?
Read more →ameriloan payday loanwww.sourceonedirect.com/cardiff/directory/ms payday loans payday loans no credit checks no paperwork – Get Over Yourself – Article by Jerry Durham, PT Edited by Ann Wendel, PT, ATC, CMTPT Let’s review— a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is a promise to provide services that a customer will find of great worth. The value you bring to your clients is unique to you. Clients can’t get YOU anywhere else. Once you determine your UVP, you must make sure to share it appropriately; yet, many business owners are uncomfortable selling themselves. I have worked with business owners to help them shape and define their UVP. Many business owners get stuck when I ask about the unique value they bring to their customers. They can talk about their services, products and their company’s commitment to long lasting partnerships. But when it comes to sharing more about themselves, they clam up. I think it’s hard to toot your own horn without feeling arrogant. Typically our values teach us to be humble, to say please and thank you. So it can be understandably difficult to talk about our strengths. If you allow yourself the indulgence of thinking about this, you might be shocked at how uniquely valuable you really are. Here are some tips you can follow to present a more compelling case when you talk about your unique value proposition: Opening Lines Choose a few key words to get the conversation started. Have a few bullet points that you can talk about in a quick 10-second snippet and in a longer conversation when relevant. Your key words should explain your particular approach to what you do. Below are examples from people outside the Healthcare world that can be used for starting conversations. For example, one business owner I spoke with likes to start with the […]
Read more →Thanks to Twitter, I have “met” some really forward thinking, dynamic DPT Students. During a recent conversation on marketing and branding, I was impressed by Melissa Dreger’s comments, and asked her to write a guest post for me. Melissa is a DPT student at University of Pittsburg. I think you will enjoy what she has to say, and I hope that we can stimulate some great conversation again here! Take it away, Melissa: Let’s face it, as Physical Therapists we’re always talking about becoming “more marketable” or “advertising to our clients,” but how many of us actually know how to accomplish this? How many of us even know where to begin? Well, here’s a simple step-by-step process that can get you started on how to better market yourself. Number one, we need to figure out our message. In other words, what’s our story? Some typical phrases thrown out there include “movement specialists”, “restorative specialists”, or “movement analysts,” but what do all of these have in common? It’s simple: we are pain managers and ultimately help to restore mobility and to decrease cost to not only our patients but to the healthcare system as a whole (taken from the APTA website at http://www.apta.org/AboutPTs/). There are many ways to twist and turn what Physical Therapists actually do – which leads us to the problem: If one of our goals as a profession is to be autonomous in nature, shouldn’t we have ONE consistent message? It is therefore our responsibility as a physical therapist and as private practice owners to determine what our message is. We can determine this in part by asking our patients directly or through a survey “What is the value of physical therapy?” Number two, we need to be make our message simple. There’s no need to include complex […]
Read more →VALUE While Humming The Theme What do you bring to the game? Business is a game. If you’re in it to win it, then your success depends on the value that your clients see in your business. A common business adage is “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” In order to be successful, you first need to identify your particular value, and then you need to properly convey your value to current and potential clients. To successfully identify your particular value, you need to determine your Unique Value Proposition (UVP). Your statement of your UVP should answer the question: WHY should your ideal customer purchase from you rather than anyone else? In order to choose you, your ideal clients must be able to quickly understand your unique value (what YOU do better than anyone else) and why it should mean something to them. More than ever, clients want relationships they can trust, relationships that add value to their lives. Your UVP defines the intrinsic worth of the service you offer your clients, and defines what they will get for their money. Your value should be such that clients not only want to return to you when they need your particular service again, but that they want to become your Brand Ambassador and your best marketing tool. Once you have determined your UVP and crafted a value proposition statement, you need to effectively communicate that value to everyone who will benefit from your services. Internally, your partners and employees need to know the company’s UVP. Every employee needs to identify with the UVP in order to be a good fit. Externally, your clients need to know your UVP. You must convey your uniqueness to your target market through an outbound message. In crafting your outbound message, keep […]
Read more →TAKE ACTION! Just a quick note as a follow up to this post: Thanks to Jason Bellamy, Director, Web & New Media, APTA for letting me know about a new action item regarding the ability of physical therapists to opt out of Medicare. On March 21, 2013, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) introduced the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2013 (HR 1310), which would provide physical therapists with the ability to privately contract with Medicare beneficiaries. Everyone can take action on this issue – APTA members, non members, patients and other healthcare professionals! How to Take Action APTA has posted information on Medicare private contracting (“opt out”) in its federal issues area, which includes links for members and nonmembers to be able to take action: http://www.apta.org/FederalIssues/PrivateContracting/ The template action letter can be personalized – it’s a quick and effective way to let your voice be heard. Unfortunately, the Opt Out legislation isn’t one of APTA’s “priority” legislative issues for 2013, which makes it even more necessary to keep the grass roots energy going! Please take a minute to speak out for our profession.
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