Posts Tagged Personal Training

The Whole 30, Day 2

Well, today was a bit easier than yesterday. I had a busy day; but, managed to keep my meals compliant (and tasty!) I ate breakfast in a bit of a hurry on the way out to a meeting. No time to cook anything fancy, so I reheated some cauliflower mash and butternut squash from the other night, and ate a handful of macadamia nuts with it. I also drank my coffee with a bit of coconut milk in it…. tennessee payday loans I was in a meeting most of the day, which ended with an awesome workout with Justin at Underground Athlete. By the time I got home at nearly 3pm, I was pretty hungry; but, I didn’t want to eat a huge meal because dinner usually takes place about 7pm. So, I made hard boiled eggs and cut up a bunch of other good stuff. For dinner, Dave made Chicken with Prosciutto and Sage (awesome) and we had beets, the rest of the cauliflower mash, and carrots. I feel really good, and ready to go to sleep at 9pm!

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Social Media search-me PHP Developer, Web Developer ,Web Consultant, WordPress Developer , Freelancer, Gaurav Pathania, Gaurav