Why I love Well Fed 2 My friend, Melissa Joulwan, has outdone herself again with her latest cookbook Well Fed 2. This follow up to 2011’s Well Fed has something for everyone. I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy and I want to share my favorite parts of the book with you. Some of my friends have already tested the delicious recipes and blogged about the experience. See NomNom’s review here. While I’m earmarking recipes to make, I wanted to get my review out there before the launch date for the book, which is October 22nd. http://hospitalitybusiness.broad.msu.edu/Account/files/ First, some background. Mel and I have not actually met in real life yet. I stumbled across her blog several years ago, when I first set out on my Paleo journey. I immediately fell in love with her, spending time reading through her blog and learning about how she utilized the principles of ancestral nutrition to address her thyroid issues. As many of you know, I started on my Paleo journey to address my autoimmune thyroid illness, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Over the past few years, Mel and I have exchanged emails about everything from thyroid woes (starting the #FUthyroid on Twitter) to book recommendations to a 30 day gratitude practice via email. I am so happy for Mel and proud of her for the beautiful cookbook she is ready to launch. The book covers everything from sauces and seasonings to protein to fruits. Each page is beautifully laid out with a photo of the recipe (taken by Mel’s husband, Dave) and complete directions for creating the recipe at home. I especially appreciate that Mel lists the prep time, marinating time, and cook time – I’m sure I’m not the only person to come home from work ready to make a recipe only […]
Read more →#AHS12 We just got back from The Ancestral Health Symposium (AHS12). For any readers who are unfamiliar with AHS, it is a three day conference which brings together scientists, healthcare providers, and lay people who share an interest in living healthier lives, based on Ancestral principals such as whole foods, movement, stress management, community, and sleep. The symposium was held on the campus of Harvard Law School. In the fall of 2011 I submitted a proposal to present a poster at AHS12. I felt that we had some important information to share with the community regarding the use of Ancestral nutrition as an adjunct to treatment for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). As many of you know, this is an issue that hits close to home for us, as Dave (my husband) was diagnosed with T1D when he was 32 years old. We have learned so much in the past 6 years, and want to help other T1D’s navigate this journey. We were ecstatic when our proposal was accepted, and began collecting and sifting through the data. All of our hard work was worth it when we saw the finished product presenting the Effects of Ancestral Nutrition of Type 1 Diabetes. First, I have to say that the whole experience of AHS12 was so overwhelming and exciting that I could barely think straight! The response to our poster was really positive, and we got to talk with a number of people and answer their questions. We were also visited by some of our favorite people in the community. We met many of our online friends for the first time, and were able to spend more time with people we had met before. Badier Velji AKA The Lazy Caveman Cash Advance Port Huron Mihttp://www.lightsofphiladelphia.org/ Bill and Hayley from Primal Palate […]
Read more →Today’s post is a testimonial from a client who had been dealing with chronic pain due to Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia. She was referred to me for a consultation and has had excellent results after implementing a “Whole 30” eating plan. I’ll let you read her story in her own words: Loans No Credit Check No Fees A lot of you are probably wondering why you should do a Whole30. I wondered the same thing when I met with Ann in May. As a full-time working mom, I figured it was normal to be tired, foggy, and achy all the time. Everyone can drink coffee at midnight and fall asleep a half hour later right? (Um…if you can, I’ve been told that’s not a good sign…) The back story: A little over a year ago, one of my kids gently patted my head and pain ran through me like a lightning bolt. That episode was a wake up call because I realized I was in pain, foggy headed, and downing Advil and coffee like it was going out of style. After a couple of doctor visits, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and fibromyalgia. They treated the Lyme disease and started me on fibro medication. The meds helped somewhat, but were not a complete fix. Something had to give. Pain sucks! Chronic pain sucks even more! Enter Ann: Ann was recommended to me not too long ago as someone who has had success in controlling autoimmune disease symptoms through dietary changes. I reached out for a consult. She suggested two options when we met. Either try a Paleo diet, or really see what could be causing some of my issues and try the Whole30. Both seemed extreme. My thoughts went something like, “Whaaat? No muffin on the run? How will I get the kids out the door? What […]
Read more →Greetings from balmy Northern Virginia where it’s 80 degrees at 8:40am! I hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer. I wanted to share an article I wrote as a guest post for Sarah Ballantyne (AKA The Paleo Mom) on the role of physical therapy as part of the comprehensive treatment plan for folks with Autoimmune Illness. http://bit.ly/NmOCZh It is my hope that the 23.5 million Americans with AI will seek out the expertise of a physical therapist as they strive to regain a healthy, active life. Please share this article with anyone you know who has an AI. Thanks! Be well, Ann
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