I have not put up a real blog post over the holidays; but, I have been working hard on some things that are coming out over the next few weeks: My second guest blog post for Eric Cressey of Cressey Performance has been sent out! I will let everyone know when it goes live. The topic is Trigger Point Dry Needling and Rotator Cuff Injuries. Check out Eric’s fantastic blog at http://www.ericcressey.com/personal-trainers-fitness-professionals-5-tips-marketing-physical-therapists I did a guest post for Stephanie of 321delish that will be going live in the next few weeks. The topic was “5 Reasons to See a Physical Therapist before You Are Injured.” Again, I will post the link when it goes live; but, in the meantime, check out Steph and Chloe’s blog at http://321delish.com/ I received a huge care package from Athleta a week ago (yea!) They sent me several outfits to try out and review. I am having so much fun wearing the different outfits for various activities, and dressing them up or down depending on the situation. I will be putting together a photo and video review, as well as a written review – look for it right here within the next 2 weeks. I received a nice package from Eric Cressey as well and will be reviewing his “Assess and Correct” products. The product contains a DVD as well as four written guides. I will be making my way through the materials in January and posting about it when I finish. I did an interview with Jarod Carter for his blog. The interview was about my experience with opening my private practice. Jarod also runs a cash-based practice, and his blog seeks to help more PT’s become private practitioners and business owners. See Jarod’s blog at http://www.drjarodcarter.com/ I was contacted by Web PT (the EMR platform we […]
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