This week is flying by! This morning I was in a rush to get to work, and I made a smoothie as I was running out the door. I put it in my coffee mug, since I no longer enjoy my coffee (geez, thanks Whole 9) 😉 It was the same smoothie as yesterday, and I did have a small cup of black coffee. I liked Whole 9’s Tweet this morning that “If you have to add something to your coffee to make it taste good, you are either drinking poor quality coffee or you really don’t like the taste of coffee.” I have realized this week that I fall into the latter category – I really dislike the taste of coffee. What I really love is the ritual of having something warm and sweet in the morning as I start my day. Before we had a Keurig, Dave made my coffee for me every morning just the way I like it, and it was a special little ritual for us. Even now, if I’m running late, he will still make it. So, I realized that it’s not really the coffee I like, but what it signifies. I think this is a really important realization! So many of our rituals are based around food – we continue them day after day without really thinking about whether they are good for us or not. Doing an intense 30 day focus on eliminating certain foods makes you really look at what you put in your mouth and why you do it. This has been the most valuable lesson yet – to stop and think about what I am doing and whether it supports me in my goal of living a healthy, active lifestyle. I realize that my one cup of coffee in […]
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