PPS13 In My Shoes I just got back from PPS13 in New Orleans, and all I can say is WOW. What a spectacular time. Everything was top notch, from the programming to the closing party. I did a recap for WebPT here. While I made the point in my post for WebPT that PPS13 was all about connecting, I want to share more of the personal side of my trip here on my blog. I got to see old friends and made new friends, and I got to sit and talk with the leaders of our profession about business and life. What a rush to get together with other private practice owners who could listen, display empathy, get excited for my successes, and offer advice for the future. Here are some of the highlights from my trip: We got to meet up with a friend of mine before the conference started. He does a lot of work in NOLA in the fitness industry, and was able to give us a tour of the New Orleans Athletic Club. This place was absolutely amazing. It opened in 1872 and is one of the oldest athletic clubs in the states. Where else can you work out on an elliptical machine in a room filled with chandeliers?! Their indoor pool is open to the 2nd level, where they have a boxing ring! After our tour, we went to have lunch with some friends from Kentucky (shout out to Patrick @PatrickMyersPT), Brad (@MyPTapexbrad) and Nick (@NickAustinPT)). And then we made our way to the famous Pat O’ Brien’s for Hurricanes. In the rain. We had a few… Over Hurricanes, I met Quinn Worden (@PTsAreHeros). Quinn is an impressive 24 year old with a vision to change the supply chain for physical therapy products. Check out […]
Read more →TAKE ACTION! Just a quick note as a follow up to this post: Thanks to Jason Bellamy, Director, Web & New Media, APTA for letting me know about a new action item regarding the ability of physical therapists to opt out of Medicare. On March 21, 2013, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) introduced the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2013 (HR 1310), which would provide physical therapists with the ability to privately contract with Medicare beneficiaries. Everyone can take action on this issue – APTA members, non members, patients and other healthcare professionals! How to Take Action APTA has posted information on Medicare private contracting (“opt out”) in its federal issues area, which includes links for members and nonmembers to be able to take action: http://www.apta.org/FederalIssues/PrivateContracting/ The template action letter can be personalized – it’s a quick and effective way to let your voice be heard. Unfortunately, the Opt Out legislation isn’t one of APTA’s “priority” legislative issues for 2013, which makes it even more necessary to keep the grass roots energy going! Please take a minute to speak out for our profession.
Read more →Brainwashed: Change requires starting with a clean slate This one’s for all the PT’s in the house. Most of the writing I do on my blog is for patients: to provide information, encourage, and teach self-care techniques. Today I’m writing for my peer group. I would like to preface this post by saying that I am not currently a member of the APTA. Before you leave this website or think that I have no right to have an opinion on an organization that I am not part of, let me explain to you the major reason that I am not a current APTA member: In October 2011, I left a job that was meeting all of my financial needs to pursue my dream of being a self-employed physical therapist. I took a risk, and the reward has been great. I opened my business without a single patient on my books. It was the scariest thing I have ever done; but, I believed that I had a unique service to offer and a community that would value that service enough to become my clients. In eight months, I have gone from zero patients per week to averaging twenty patients a week. Anyone who has ever run a business knows that this is no small feat. And, I did it without a small business loan, without six months of savings in the bank (I wouldn’t recommend anyone do this), without participating with any insurance providers, and without being in any way connected to a physician for referrals. I am proud of my accomplishments, grateful to my patients, forever indebted to my husband and children, and appreciative of the help of the other physical therapists I work in concert with on a daily basis. I believe that I have a unique viewpoint, and […]
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