I returned from #CSM2014 on Saturday, and here I am two days later still trying to get my feet back on the ground! What a wild ride! This was my first CSM, and it did not disappoint. It was also my first time in Vegas (#Yikes).
I arrived on Tuesday and was lucky enough to be on the same flight as Jeff Hathaway (@ProActivePT). If you read my post on #PPS13, you’ll remember that I met Jeff in New Orleans and was quickly impressed by him. We got to have coffee together and then he was kind enough to drive me from the airport to #TheHouse.
If you haven’t seen it all over Twitter, #TheHouse was THE place to be. The group was gathered and arrangements were made by everyone’s favorite social coordinator, Jerry Durham (@Jerry_DurhamPT). The house consisted of Jerry, me, Chris Bise (@ptbise), Aaron Burkett (@ptfromou), Sturdy Mc Kee (@sturdy), TJ Janicky (@TJ_Janicky), Elise Burnett (@aahlease), Brooke Mc Intosh (@brookemcintosh), Larry Benz (@physicaltherapy), and Quinn Worden (@PTsAreHeros). I haven’t laughed as hard as I did with this group in a long time. The conversations at the house were amazing, thanks to the diversity of those present, and those who visited as a result.
Tuesday night was a whirlwind of events including the #DPTStudent event. I can’t even describe how impressed I am by this current group of students. They are bright, ambitious, eager to learn, opinionated yet respectful, and as Lauren Kealy said during the #CSMTwitterPanel “We are the future of the profession and we have damned good ideas!” I was fortunate enough to meet and talk with many of the students I have interacted with on Twitter, and I made some good friends in the process.
Other amazing events on Tuesday night included dinner with my friend, Patrick Myers (@PatrickMyersPT) and Jerry where we sang the 3 Best Friends song from The Hangover, the #solvept live party and #PTPubNight, where I got to meet two of my heroes: David Butler and Lorimer Moseley, two smart and hilariously funny guys who explain pain in ways that make sense to everyone.
Highlights on Wednesday included a great talk by Jerry Durham and Andy Lodato (@physiocarept) titled “The Success of the Profession Lies in the Consumer: Who Are They?” Great thoughts were shared and we had the benefit from learning from each other through plenty of Q&A time.
On Thursday I was fortunate enough to present as part of the #CSMTwitterPanel on Using Twitter for Branding Yourself and The Profession. This panel was led by the fearless leader Jerry #dbajd and included me for #CashPT, Sturdy for #bizPT, Kyle Ridgeway (@Dr_Ridge_DPT) for #acutePT, Chris Bise for #eduPT, Matt DeBole (@MattDeBole)for #DPTStudent, Jason Bellamy (@APTATweets) for #APTA, and Selena Horner (@SnippetPhysTher) for #solvept. We had a great discussion with a lot of good questions from the audience. I was really thrilled with the presentation and want to thank everyone for coming out at 8am to see us! We were all really thrilled that #CSMTwitterPanel was trending as #3 at the time of the talk!
Thursday and Friday were filled with plenty of naps in The Cave at The House followed by dinner and fun checking out The Strip and Freemont Street. I learned to never, ever wear your cute peeptoe stilettos to Vegas (#BlistersFromVegas).
The three themes that really stood out to me from #CSM2014 were the power of our words, the strength of the DPT Students, and the amazing ability of Twitter to connect. Many talks covered the power of our words in educating patients and providing support. The DPT Students showed us all that they are ready to be the future of our profession. And, we saw the impact of social media (Twitter specifically) for connecting students with other students from all over the country and with practicing PT’s, as well as connecting PT’s from every state and section with each other.
Already counting down the days until #CSM2015!