Archive for January 2014

What Do You Love?

What Do You Love?

What Do You Love?   As a private practice owner and health and fitness writer, I’m no stranger to the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. I somewhat reluctantly took on this role back in 2003, when I first opened my private practice. I had been frustrated for months at my job in a busy rehab hospital, and thought that I could do better on my own. Without any formal business training, I sat down with a yellow legal pad and outlined what I wanted my business to look like. Now more than 10 years later (with four years in the middle working for someone else), I find myself thinking a lot about the good, the bad, and the ugly of self-employment. A few recent articles have caught my attention, and given me food for thought. The articles cover topics we don’t often discuss as business owners: the risk, the sleepless nights, the stress of an empty schedule or a phone that doesn’t ring. After talking with many business owners over the years, I know that we all share the same joys and frustrations, and I think that we need to talk more openly about our struggles in order to support each other. It goes against the grain for most business owners to talk about their struggles. After all, we take pride in our image. We want to appear in control and successful at all times. But this often comes at a great cost. This article discusses the psychological price of entrepreneurship in a candid fashion. It discusses the toll taken by lack of a steady paycheck, working long hours, risking security, and loss of time with friends and family. Several prominent business owners openly discuss their struggles with start-ups and failed ventures. The same article points out that […]

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The Paleo Athlete

The Paleo Athlete

The Paleo Athlete I wanted to let everyone know about a great new resource just released by my friend Steph Gaudreau of Stupid Easy Paleo. Steph has taken her 20 years of competition experience and combined it with her years of experience teaching high school chemistry and biology to publish an outstanding eBook called The Paleo Athlete. If you are an athlete of any sort (CrossFit, Powerlifting, or endurance athlete) and interested in learning how to properly fuel your athletic performance, this is the book for you. It will teach you how to utilize nutrient dense whole foods, proper rest and recovery, and proper pre and post workout nutrition to perform at your best. In Steph’s words: In The Paleo Athlete you’ll learn… Why athletes thrive on nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods The basics of Paleo and understanding macronutrients All about carbs—who needs them and why How to burn fat at rest What and how much to eat before, during and after a workout Why dietary hacks can’t substitute for solid nutrition Practical cooking tips for your busy schedule How to get ready for competition How to improve sleep and recovery and deal with injuries and stress FAQs and troubleshooting guides Thirty stupid-easy, mouth-watering recipes …and much more! payday today loans This book is a big part of the foundation for the seminar The Whole Athlete, currently being offered through collaboration between Steph and Dallas Hartwig of Whole 9 Life. I had the pleasure of attending the inaugural seminar at CrossFit Love in Philadelphia a few weeks ago, and I was impressed with the material covered. Whether you are a weekend warrior, competitive athlete, or physical therapist working with athletes, you will benefit from reading and understanding this information.   Enjoy!    

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