Just a quick note as a follow up to this post:
Thanks to Jason Bellamy, Director, Web & New Media, APTA for letting me know about a new action item regarding the ability of physical therapists to opt out of Medicare.
On March 21, 2013, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) introduced the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act of 2013 (HR 1310), which would provide physical therapists with the ability to privately contract with Medicare beneficiaries.
Everyone can take action on this issue – APTA members, non members, patients and other healthcare professionals!
How to Take Action
APTA has posted information on Medicare private contracting (“opt out”) in its federal issues area, which includes links for members and nonmembers to be able to take action:
The template action letter can be personalized – it’s a quick and effective way to let your voice be heard.
Unfortunately, the Opt Out legislation isn’t one of APTA’s “priority” legislative issues for 2013, which makes it even more necessary to keep the grass roots energy going! Please take a minute to speak out for our profession.
Very nice blog! I actually appreciated it.
I actually have looked over an identical journal regarding orthopedic clinical professionals.
It’s really worth researching.