This is just a quick post to let everyone know about the awesome event that happened last night! As everyone knows, Dave and I were fortunate enough to present a poster at AHS12. While we were at AHS, we met many amazing people and developed friendships that cut past all of the superficial stuff that usually fills up the first encounters with new friends. Out of our conversations about what was important in life and how to share the message of ancestral health on a more global scale, an idea was born. We decided to have a Tweetchat using the hashtag #1tribe, to signify that we are all one tribe (not we are #1, but we are all one).
I co-moderated the event with Alec Henderson, who graciously put together a summary post and transcript here
If you have an interest in building a community of like-minded folks who have a passion for reaching others and living a healthier, happier life, please read the post, and join us for the next #1tribe chat on Thursday, September 20th at 8pm EST.
Everyone is welcome, everyone has a place in the tribe.
*Photo source unknown