Archive for November 2011

Let’s Get Specific

Accomplishing a Goal from Ann Wendel on Vimeo. I am proud to say that I have been getting strong! I set a goal for myself back in May that I would be able to get across the monkey bars at the playground (“You mean like this, Mom?” my 13 year old said as she easily went back and forth a few times……..) Yes, like that. Most of you know that I was a competitive swimmer for all of my growing up years, and even made the travel team as a freshman at a D1 school. I had a seriously strong upper body. I looked forward to the Presidential Physical Fitness Test every year, because I couldn’t wait to school almost everyone at the pull ups (except for you, Karl Torchia, because you were the man!) I could bang out at least 15 pull ups without breaking a sweat. So, it was a shock to me a few years ago when my kids started doing the monkey bars, and I jumped right up to show them how it was done, and couldn’t hold myself up on the bar. Uh-oh. I guess I had more important things to do, because I just never tried again. Until last spring. I was ready to commit to my goal. I started out slowly, just hanging on the bar. Then, I got to where I could do 1 or 2 rungs before I had to drop down. And I kept practicing all summer long, until I finally did it all the way across! Yea! And then I thought, well, maybe I can do chin ups, too. So I started working on chin ups (palms facing me). I began with negative chin ups, jumping up and then slowly lowering myself down, and progressed to one leg assisted […]

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Patient’s Rights (or lack thereof)……….AKA You guys need to get mad and do something!

So there has been a good deal of underground rumbling going on in the PT world this week. Because I like to be well informed (i.e. I’m a nerd), I participate in all sorts of social media to stay on top of things. Using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn allow me to “talk” with people all over the world and hear about trends. The trend I am paying attention to this week is that PT’s in private practice are mad! And you, the consumer/patient, should be mad too! Why should you be mad? Because no one fully explains your rights to you as a patient, and things are going on that affect you, and you have no idea about it! The issues that affect you and your ability to access the health insurance you pay for every month include the following: 1) You have a choice of where you want to receive physical therapy. Your doctor can make a recommendation, but cannot require you to go to a specific PT clinic (especially one that he/she owns). This is actually illegal; but, it happens all the time. If I had a dollar for every time a patient told me, “I had no idea I could go somewhere else” I would be a rich woman. When your doctor recommends physical therapy (or when you ask your doctor for a physical therapy referral, which is also your right as a patient), they can give you a list of options for your care. They can also mention that they have a physician owned physical therapy clinic (POPTS) next door or across town, but they cannot require you to receive your therapy there. emergency same day loansforeign country would 2) If you want to see a therapist who does not participate with insurance companies, call your […]

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Prana Physical Therapy is co-sponsoring The Animal Flow Workshop

We are excited to bring you Miami’s Mike Fitch with Global Bodyweight Training for a 2 day Instructor Training Course in Animal Flow.  This system of exercise is fun, challenging and effective for your higher level clients who want to take fitness to the next level.  Open to PT’s, ATC’s Personal Trainers, CSCS, Yoga and Pilates Instructors, CrossFit Instructors, Group Exercise Instructors and Advanced Fitness Enthusiasts. Click here for detail and registration.

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Happenings in the ‘hood’

Some exciting things are happening in my new neighborhood, so I thought I would share! will refrainfast cash advance bad credit Last night was the Opening Party for Athleta DC in Georgetown.  Athleta sells fabulous women’s active wear, workout clothing and accessories.  The products have only been available via catalog until November 2nd, when they opened the first store in L.A. The second store opened in Philadelphia on Nov.9th and then last night was the Private Shopping Event in Georgetown. (Thanks to Gina from Athleta DC who sent me an invite!)  The store is beautiful and right in the middle of everything on M Street.  The event was packed, with ladies changing in the aisles to try stuff on instead of standing in line for the waiting room!  Tuxedo clad servers carried drinks and appetizers and credit cards were being pulled out left and right – these ladies were there to SHOP!  I decided to shop from my computer at home later, but really went there to soak up the vibe and meet Gina.  She has done a fantastic job of getting the store opened and getting the word out to everyone involved in health and fitness in the DC area.  I plan to get involved at the M Street location teaching some workshops, so I will keep everyone posted! I am also really excited to announce that Prana Physical Therapy is co-sponsoring a workshop at Gold’s Gym, Alexandria on December 3-4.  My friend Mike Fitch of Global Bodyweight Training is bringing his Animal Flow Workout to the D.C. area. This workshop is geared toward health and fitness professionals as well as advanced bodyweight training enthusiasts.  The workshop is the first step in getting certified to teach Animal Flow classes. Mike developed this system of exercises and has […]

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Let’s get to the point!

When I tell people that I can address their myofascial pain with many different modalities, including Trigger Point Dry Needling, they often get a funny look on their face.  The first question is usually, “What is dry needling?”  Once I explain it, they usually have one of two responses: 1) Let’s do it, I’m game to try anything that will make this pain go away! or 2) Uh, I don’t think so, I hate needles. Next Day Loans My hope is that the following information will answer some questions for the folks in group #2 and explain why the short term discomfort of needling goes a long way to eliminating the root causes of pain. As always, feel free to call or email with questions. Trigger Point Dry Needling Trigger Point Dry Needling is an effective physical therapy modality used in conjunction with other interventions in the treatment of orthopedic injuries with a component of myofascial pain and dysfunction. get cash within 1 hour What is dry needling?  A physical therapist with specialized post-graduate training uses Trigger Point Dry Needling as part of their treatment protocol with appropriate patients.  In the State of Virginia, a physical therapist utilizes Trigger Point Dry Needling when specified by the patient’s physician in their physical therapy order.  A solid filament needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point.  A trigger point consists of multiple contraction knots, which are related to the production and maintenance of the pain cycle. When inserting the needle into the muscle, it is essential to elicit twitch responses, which are spinal cord reflexes.  The twitch response is both diagnostic and therapeutic, as it is the first step in breaking the pain cycle. Is dry needling acupuncture?  No, Trigger Point Dry Needling is based on […]

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